![]() Heise calls it an "anthem". Well, why not? ![]() There is a video of the first nocturnal presentation (let's call it "first rehearsal") of the song online. And a short asynchronous) cam phone movie. But if you know about any other recordings, please send us the links. We performed the song a couple of times. Thanks. Link Space intercourse As hoteliers design zero-gravity hotel suites for out-of-this-world unions and with the first honeymoon in space already scheduled, this provocative account reveals the truth about romantic rendezvous in Earth's orbit and beyond as well as the advantages and difficulties of having sex in space. Questions the space agencies are too embarrassed to discuss—such as Has anyone "done it" in space? What will happen to the first baby conceived in space? and Have astronauts and cosmonauts practiced "docking maneuvers" while in orbit?—are thoughtfully answered, while science-fiction myths about interstellar intercourse are dispelled. From chemistry to psychology, this exploration runs the reproductive and sexual gamut, from lust and sexual mechanics to conception, pregnancy, and birth in low-gravity situations.
(Via tinynibbles) Link Allgäu hacker supports monochrom's Force Sting campaign ![]() ![]() "Force Sting" tries to force the rock singer "Sting" ("Russians love their children too") to appear for a bad cause (e.g. skinning seal babies, atomic energy in Eastern Europe, total extinction of species, sterilization of lefties, excessive packaging; Windows XP presentations are harmless). For this cause we want to offer him a sum of money so high that he cannot refuse. Thus we need your support! Link Orders to cater to creationists makes national park agnostic on geology Grand Canyon National Park is not permitted to give an official estimate of the geologic age of its principal feature, due to pressure from Bush administration appointees. Despite promising a prompt review of its approval for a book claiming the Grand Canyon was created by Noah's flood rather than by geologic forces, more than three years later no review has ever been done and the book remains on sale at the park, according to documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).
Link monochrom @ 23c3 monochrom and "arty games with an agenda" ![]() Link BoingBoing 23C3 recommendations "The Force of Language" Review of The Force of Language by Jean-Jacques Lecercle and Denise Riley (Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2004. vii + 186 pp.)
Quote: >>The Force of Language is a Napoleonic book, short and ambitious. In the very first pages Lecercle promises us a new philosophy of language, and he reminds us throughout of both his promise and the fact that its fulfilment will be 'utterly unpalatable to mainstream linguistics and current philosophies of language'. As if that weren't enough to accomplish in 170 pages, once you begin reading you realize that this new thinking about language implies a new style of writing about it as well. Lecercle thinks Chomsky's notorious 'the man hit the ball' is a terrible place to start when theorizing about language: the slogan and the literary work, not the simple declarative sentence, are far more typical and useful as paradigms. It is therefore apt that slogans and poetic writing are the authors' chosen instruments as well as their chosen objects.<< Link (PDF) World's Most Dangerous Road? Snake-like Robot And Steady-hand System Could Assist Surgeons Drawing on advances in robotics and computer technology, Johns Hopkins University researchers are designing new high-tech medical tools to equip the operating room of the future. These systems and instruments could someday help doctors treat patients more safely and effectively and allow them to perform surgical tasks that are nearly impossible today.
Link (PDF) Link (Text) On the birth of Christ The Root of All Evil
In the spirt of Christmas I wanted to bring a gift that comes in two parts. The God Delusion and the Virus of Faith by Richard Dawkins. monochrom @ CCC's 23C3 ![]() ![]() See you there! Link (23C3) Science Journalism in India: By Manoj Patairiya. Intro: >>Man could well have originated science communication with the early discoveries, the most important being the discovery of fire and dissemination of its knowledge. In India, sage Atharvan is credited for the discovery of fire churning technology and its dissemination during ancient period. A whole host of scientific literature was created in India during ancient, Vedic, post Vedic and classical periods. Medieval period saw emergence of newer trends in science communication when commentaries on earlier scientific texts were written and structures like Jantar Mantar (observatory) were built, but these were accessible to a few elites in the society. The real shift in science communication in favour of the common man became evident in modem times when it was now possible to bring out publications in large numbers. Science journalism started in India in 1818 with the publication of monthly Digdarshan published in Hindi, Bengali and English, carrying a few articles on science and technology. Science communication proliferated in independent India. This paper discusses the trends now emerging in India given the efforts, the slackness in quality and moves to improve it, the plurality of mass media, and a sound science and technology base of the country; arrived at through an in-depth study intended at furthering the cause of science communication and scientific attitude. The study indicates that science coverage attributed to mass media is abysmally poor, i.e. around 3 percent, which is far below the desired level of 10-15 percent. The present work is an attempt to find out the extent of demand and supply of S&T coverage in various mass media and presenting an emerging scenario of science and technology journalism in the country.<<
Link monochrom seasonal greetings mode // Merry Monotheismas... and don't forget to love, bless or amuse someone.
NASA's Twin 'Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatories' Send Back First Solar Images -- in 3D:
![]() NASA's twin Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatories (STEREO) sent back their first images of the sun this week and with them a view into the sun's mounting activity. Link Pictures and Nonsense: Mark Jago looks at Wittgenstein's first theory of language, in the Tractatus. One of the conclusions of this theory is that the theory in the Tractatus is nonsense...
Link Scrooge 'Was a Victim of Brain Disease': A pair of medico-literary sleuths believe that the affliction that made Scrooge a byword for miserliness and redemption was Lewy Body Dementia (LBD), a disease so complex that doctors did not include it in the medical lexicon until 1996.
Link BBC Won't Get Big License Boost: The broadcaster had hoped for a generous boost in the fee, but the British government decided otherwise. "The corporation had sought increases above inflation to pay for investment in programmes, the digital switchover and the relocation of key departments to the north-west. But the sums revealed last night are far below the level hoped for."
Link monochrom exhibit news // The Google Goose: Together with our dear friends of Team Teichenberg we feature an installation by Group Or-Om at our space @ Museumsquartier Vienna. It's called The Google Goose / Limits of Randomness:
[...]The blogosphere is already talking about it... ![]() Google Goose page Blog link 1 Blog link 2 Blog link 3 monochrom award // Soviet Unterzögersdorf @ Videomedeja 2006: Our adventure game "Soviet Unterzögersdorf" got a special mention at the 10th Videomedeja Awards in Novi Sad, Serbia for the 'Net/Software' category. Great!
![]() Link monochrom show/video // Taugshow #9 is online for download: Yes! Click it, watch it.
![]() What is Taugshow? The flat hierarchies of talk shows are about as subversive as NYC Democrats smoking dope. But count us out! We won't produce a talk show. Nope. We produce a TAUGSHOW! Which means: we dig it. Our guests are geeks, heretics, and other coevals. A joyful bucket full of good clean fanaticism, crisis, language, culture, self-content, identity, utopia, mania and despair, condensed into the well known cultural technique of a prime time TV show. Host: Johannes Grenzfurthner. Content Manager: Roland Gratzer. Taugshow #9 (Roboexotica Special) was recorded at dietheater/Konzerthaus, Lothrinerstrasse, Vienna / Friday, December 8, 2006 / 8:00 PM. Taugshow #9 / Guests: /// V. VALE ![]() Link Policing the Convergence of Virtual and Material Worlds: "The True Object of Police is Man.": In the late 17th Century, German political theorists developed a meta-notion of policing and gave it a name: Polizeiwissenschaft. The term embraces broad policy and policing functions. In The Foucault Effect, Colin Gordon assembled a pastiche of snipped citations and paraphrases to convey the ambitious sweep of the object and the practices of Polizeiwissenschaft.
Link Darwin's cheque found in portrait frame: Signed document could provide insight to Darwin's character.
Link Hole-y Cow:
![]() Animals can live a surprising amount of time with a permanent hole to their stomach, especially if it is a surgically made fistula. Humans have had fistulas; the first human on record as having one was a French Canadian by the name of Alexis St. Martin. He sustained a life-threatening musket wound in 1822, and was marked a terminal case by his physician. However, he managed to heal and was mostly functional again within two years - except for a hole in his stomach that would never close. Through this hole doctors were able to examine inner workings of his stomach. Link Top 10 Christian Tourist Traps: Little tourist attractions, ranging from Golgotha Mini Golf to theme park The Holyland Experience.
![]() Link Squid-inspired Design Could Mean Better Handling Of Underwater Vehicles: Inspired by the sleek and efficient propulsion of squid, jellyfish and other cephalopods, a University of Colorado at Boulder researcher has designed a new generation of compact vortex generators that could make it easier for scientists to maneuver and dock underwater vehicles at low speeds and with greater precision.
Link What is a Thought Experiment, Anyhow? Massimo Pigliucci asks. Quote: "Philosophers are often accused of engaging in armchair speculation, as far removed from reality as possible, inside the proverbial ivory tower. The quintessential example of this practice is the thought experiment, which many scientists sneer at precisely because it doesn't require one to get one's hands dirty. And yet scientists have often engaged in thought experiments, some of which have marked major advances in our understanding of the world."
Link String theory seems to unravel: Two new books seriously question whether the once-lauded string theory has been good for the field of physics.
Link Nazi Flying Discs: The Alternative Roswell: What if the craft that crashed in Roswell wasn't extraterrestrial in nature; what if the crashed saucer was actually of German origin?
Link A Book About Language, With No Phoneme Unturned: How Language Works... "The established view has been that these languages evolve independently and each is unique, whether they are based on English or Danish. But Mr. Crystal says that modern research strongly suggests that all these languages derive from a 15th-century Portuguese pidgin. As the Portuguese explored Asia, Africa and the Americas, this prototypical pidgin spread, and the syntax remained in place as words changed to adapt to other languages. But there is still evidence of that old Portuguese pidgin."
Link DRM on 7"es? Of course not. 7inchpunk is a great website that provides a steady stream (blogging-wise) of classic punk and hardcore mp3s, ripped straight from the real thing, the black shiny vinyl. You will find great stuff from the US (Black Flag, Faith,...), Sweden (Disarm,...), Japan (Lip Cream,...) and from all over the world. Real classics, I cannot recommend this website more. Perhaps the files should be easier to download, but who cares....it's still a whole lot more comfortable than having to go to a cold, wet and smelly shop in some backyard with even smellier dogs and staff (remember V.E.B. Sacro?) ;)
Link The Meaning of Spam: An inside look at the "arms race" between spammers and anti-spam technology.
monochrom interview // Geek Entertainment Television, Roboexotica Interview #2: This time featuring David Calkins, Jonathan Moore, the WERP_bot guys and monochrom's own Daniel Fabry and Anika Kronberger.
![]() Link monochrom interview // LunchMeet: We Welcome Our Cocktail Serving Robot Masters: Quote: "For this edition of LunchMeet, Eddie Codel finds himself in Vienna, Austria for Roboexotica, the festival for cocktail robots. Eddie speaks with Johannes Grenzfurthner of monochrom, one of the organizers of Roboexotica, and finds out why cocktail robots are important to man's survival. Johannes takes us on a tour of a few of the machines on display."
![]() Link monochrom review // monochrom mention in "Pranks 2" review: V. Vale's RE/Search Publications will soon release "Pranks 2", the follow-up to their legendary "Pranks" book (published 1988). monochrom is featured with Georg Paul Thomann. LA Weekly mention monochrom and Thomann in their review.
"Pranks 2" can be ordered online. LA Weekly / Link Unforgiven: The Course of Empire: Clint Eastwood and an elegy to a dying genre, a lost frontier.
![]() Link Search for Extraterrestrial Life Using Chiral Molecules: Scientists from Georgia have discovered that concentrated ammonium salt solutions and water-in-oil microemulsions, both of which are able to form on extraterrestrial planets and moons in the presence of liquid water, are suitable media for enzyme reactions at subzero temperatures.
Link Good Works (And Profit Too?): Quote: "Welcome to the world of brand-enhancing, profit-making, tax-paying philanthropy. Its proponents argue that we've become so accustomed to the idea that philanthropy has to operate within the confines of certain legal strictures that we've lost sight of what really matters: the good you foster, not necessarily how you go about fostering it."
Link monochrom & Shifz festival // Results: Roboexotica's Annual Cocktail Robot Awards 2006:
Cocktail Mixing: The External Combustion Engine (Jonathan Moore, David Fine / USA) Cocktail Serving: El Espanol Borracho (Simone Davalos / USA) Bar Conversation: Awesome Automated Artificial Communication Generating Device (Christian Perstl, Michael Wirnsperger, Fichte @ University of Applied Sciences / Infodesign Graz / AUT) Cigarette Lighting: WERP_bot (Leo Peschta and Gordan Savicic / AUT) Other Achievements in the Sector of Cocktail Robotics: DWI-bot (Cyberpipe / SLO), Ice Cube Murderer (Rosi Weingrill / AUT), Leichtbekömmlichvorverdaut (Birgit Bachler, Georg Kukuvec, Samira Lindner, Helmut Munz, Philipp Rudler, Katharina Büchel, Ina Himmelsbach, Julia Kloiber, Martina Raminger, Henning Schulze, Alexandra Voglreiter, Susanne Wiedner @ University of Applied Sciences / Infodesign Graz / AUT) Public Choice: Baillet de Sacacorchos (Beat Spichtig, Chris Janka / AUT, CH) ![]() Pictures. monochrom and "school" // Pod writes about Roboexotica and coins the term "current Viennese school". monochrom is proud to be part of it.
There seems to be something in the sensual waters of the current Viennese school that will not take the prevalent techno-fascisms lying down. There is heavy resistance full with humor and full-on attack, at least as far as museum sectors can allow for any serious public discourse and deconstructions. Exhibition and forums take place in Wien's institutional culture epicenter here in Wien known as the Museums Quartier. Roböxotica is the 8th gathering of techies, futurists and jammers putting the spin on the man-machine curve which might otherwise whisk humanity into the hyper-drive envelopes of business-as-usual and the discarnate dystopias with their irreversible price-tag infrastructures.Link monochrom festival and exhibition // Blog reports about Roböxotica 2006:
Geek Entertainment TV Violet Blue / Videos Violet Blue / Blog Towering Flat Thomas Purves Eddie Codel Suicidebots Spanring Monkeyview Channelguide Robot World Online Kiberpipa 1 Kiberpipa 2 Austrian Trade St6fan Tiki Robot Iskenderiye Chello News John Borland 423 Smith Drink of the Week D4N Smart Machine Shifz monochrom pictures // Photos from monochrom's Taugshow #9: I've uploaded some photos from friday night's Taugshow #9 (Roboexotica Special) at dietheater/spiel:platz, with guests V. Vale, Violet Blue and the Mighty Krach.
![]() ![]() ![]() Link monochrom festival and exhibition // Press reports about Roböxotica 2006:
Heise Wired Online Boing Boing Forbes Der Standard 1 Der Standard 2 Kleine Zeitung Orange 94.0 Wienweb PC Mag 20min Slashdot ZDNet New Scientist monochrom festival and exhibition // Roböxotica 2006 / Vienna (5 December - 10 December): Roböxotica (or Roboexotica) is the first and inevitably leading festival concerned with cocktail robotics.
Until recently, no attempts had been made to publically discuss the role of cocktail robotics as an index for the integration of technological innovations into the human Lebenswelt, or to document the increasing occurrence of radical hedonism in man-machine communication. Roboexotica is an attempt to fill this vacuum. It is the first and, inevitably, the leading festival concerned with cocktail robotics world-wide. A micro mechanical change of paradigm in the age of borderless capital. Alan Turing would doubtless test this out. Scientists, researchers, computer geeks and artists from all over the world participate to build cocktail robots and discuss about technological innovation, futurology and science fiction. Roböxotica is a cooperation with Shifz and 'Bureau für Philosophie', Vienna. ![]() Dreams of Regulation: The topic of this year's event is Dreams of Regulation: The dream of a universal or an interdisciplinary science is an old idea that is continually arising anew. Despite, or precisely because of, the increasing specialization of the sciences, the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have brought forth numerous visions of a new interdisciplinary science transcending the limitations of traditional sciences mechanistic and analytic thinking. Cybernetics, the theory of dynamic systems, artificial life research and robotics are (or have been) among the hopeful candidates for such a new science. It has been repeatedly attested that these new disciplines could develop a (more) comprehensive language able to bridge the gap between the so-called "two cultures" of the natural and the human sciences. One might cite the example provided by the famous Macy Conferences, in which mathematicians, physicists, biologists and anthropologists cooperated.Link monochrom info // Jacob Appelbaum, monochrom artist in residence, just arrived: Jacob Appelbaum (world traveller, photographer, Unix computer user) will be working with us here in Vienna @ Museumsquartier until end of January 2007. Exciting!
![]() Link War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History, 1500 to Today: Book by Max Boot. Intro >>War Made New begins with a crisp introduction, sketching four revolutions in warfare since 1500 around which Max Boot chose to organize his book. It ends in a fog of acronyms for weapons still on the drawing boards, uncertainty about future military revolutions, and "The Danger of Too Much Change—and Too Little." In between Boot found many persuasive things to say about how changes in military technology and management affected the course of European and world history, illustrating each of his military revolutions with detailed accounts of three specific battles or campaigns. The first of these changes, the "Gunpowder Revolution," actually started in China, but Boot does not discuss that. Instead he confines his attention to Europe, where, he says, gunpowder was first recorded as early as 1267. But it remained of marginal importance until 1494, when a French army marched into Italy with mobile siege guns, easily shattering hitherto impregnable fortifications with a few hours of bombardment, only to withdraw without any lasting gain, while spreading the nasty new disease of syphilis far and wide as it retreated. Boot illustrates the Gunpowder Revolution by choosing first to describe how the Spanish Armada was defeated by the superior guns and tactics of the English navy (1588) and how Swedish soldiers won two hard-fought victories during the Thirty Years' War in Germany at Breitenfeld and Lützen (1631–1632). His accounts of these battles are admirably clear and concise; but they are also thoroughly familiar and offer no new insights. One may even reproach him for a kind of blindness, since he never mentions the conscious purposes of the persons who planned and fought them, apparently assuming that their religious convictions, hopes, and fears had nothing to do with what happened.<<
Link Stonehenge Was A Hospital: Does the presence of a welathy, noble, handicapped, Swiss archer's corpse, alongside that of a relative's, show that Stonehenge was a spot of healing powers?
Link Ancient Meteorites from Outer Solar System May Have Provided Raw Materials for Life: Meteorite that fell in Canada's Tagish Lake contains organic compounds from a time before planets formed.
Link Britain's multiculturalism falters: The British government has questioned its relationship with the nation’s Muslim community just as serious, justified concerns over domestic security make cooperation vital. Instead, the government began a debate about the face veil worn by a very small minority of Muslim women.
Link Freud's Will to Power: Intro: >>Legend has it that Freud, although educated in the philosophies of his day, studiously avoided the work of Nietzsche to preserve the originality of his ideas against external influence. Nietzsche's analysis of the human psyche, how values were supposedly projections of people's unspoken jealousies and fears, ran dangerously close to Freud's idea (still a work in progress at the end of the 19th century) that the roots of conscious behavior lay in unconscious desires. But after reading Dr. Peter Kramer's outstanding new biography of Freud (HarperCollins, 213 pages, $21.95), one wonders if Freud feared something else, not influence but self-knowledge, for Dr. Kramer's Freud is practically the living embodiment of Nietzsche's will to power. It's not simply that Freud was incredibly ambitious. (At age four, after soiling a chair, he reassured his mother that he would grow up to be a great man and buy her another.) Rather, it was Freud's determination to systematize the world, to bring order to chaos, and to impose his theory of life on life itself — a determination so intense that one of Freud's colleagues called it a "psychical need."<<
Link Me Translate Pretty One Day: The intricacies of different languages have always been a bit much for computers to handle, and computerized translation programs have never been as reliable as users would like. Translation "is a tricky problem, not only for a piece of software but also for the human mind. A single word in one language, for example, may map into three or more in another... But a New York firm with an ingenious algorithm and a really big dictionary is finally cracking the code."
Link When Two Butterflies Become One New One: A new species high in the Sierra Nevada mountains arose through the mating of two distinct species, and is one of very few hybrid species able to breed. This isn't cats giving birth to puppies though.
Link [The Archives] ![]() . . . . . |
. . monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism. Our mission is conducted everywhere, but first and foremost in culture-archeological digs into the seats (and pockets) of ideology and entertainment. monochrom has existed in this (and almost every other) form since 1993.
[more] Booking monochrom: [Europe] [USA] External monochrom links: [monochrom Wikipedia] [monochrom Flickr] [monochrom blip.tv] [monochrom GV] [monochrom Youtube] [monochrom Facebook] [monochrom iTunes] [monochrom Twitter] ![]() [ P r o j e c t s ] Soviet Unterzoegersdorf / Sector 2 / The Adventure Game Krach der Roboter: Hello World! Slacking is killing the DIY industry (T-Shirt) Carefully Selected Moments / CD, LP Freedom is a whore of a word (T-Shirt) International Year of Polytheism 2007 Santa Claus Vs. Christkindl: A Mobster Battle Kiki and Bubu and The Shift / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Privilege / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Self / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Good Plan / Short film Kiki and Bubu and The Feelings / Short film / Short film Soviet Unterzoegersdorf / Sector 1 / The Adventure Game I was a copyright infringement in a previous life (T-Shirt) Firing Squad Euro2008 Intervention I can count every star in the heavens above -- The image of computers in popular music All Tomorrow's Condensations / Puppet show The Redro Loitzl Story / Short film Law and Second Order (T-Shirt) They really kicked you out of the Situationist International? When I was asked to write about new economy Arse Elektronika 2007, 2008, 2009 etc. The Void's Foaming Ebb / Short film The Charcoal Burner / Short film Fieldrecording in Sankt Wechselberg / Short film Campaign For The Abolition Of Personal Pronouns Entertainment (Unterhaltung) / Short film Nicholas Negroponte Memorial Cable Experience the Experience! (West Coast USA/Canada Tour 2005) A Holiday in Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Massive Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling Network Soviet Unterzoegersdorf Metroblogging Every Five Seconds an Inkjet Printer Dies Somewhere 452 x 157 cm² global durability Blattoptera / Art for Cockroaches An attempt to emulate an attempt The Department for Criticism against Globalisation Disney vs. Chrusov / Short film Turning Threshold Countries Into Plows Roböxotica // Festival for Cocktail-Robotics Cracked Foundation For The Fine Arts Oh my God, they use a history which repeats itself! (T-Shirt) Administrating: ![]() . . . . . |