Interview with Kyle Machulis on Sex Toy Tech
Recording of Kyle's interview on Sex Toy Tech with FM4 Radio, Friday, November 20, 2009. Intro is in German, interview in English language. Link (MP3)
A Teledildonic Soiree: Arse Elektronika Vienna Special
Arse Elektronika Vienna Special Friday, November 20, 8 PM @ Raum D, Museumsquartier, Vienna == What is the sex of the future, and why aren't we having it yet? ==
In this talk about the current state of sex toy technology, including computer controlled toys, teledildonics, and whatever weird stuff he had to bring through customs with him, Kyle Machulis (of Nonpolynomial Labs and covers what's available to the consumer currently, why it sucks, and what's coming in the near and far future. Outlining the thoughts and strategies that go into designing the interface to a sex toy, he asks the question: What can the DIY and open source community do to help further everyone with a access to a computer getting laid?
About the speaker: Kyle Machulis, aka qDot, is a researcher of alternate input mechanisms and haptics, which is really a fancy way of saying he breaks sex toys. Through his Slashdong webpage, he uses the topic of teledildonics (remotely actuated sexual experience) to teach the basic concepts of software, electrical and mechanical engineering. He also tracks the convergence of sex and technological advances in toys and interaction, building on the idea that paradigms for interfaces people would use for intimate encounters on computers can be extended to other usage experiences. He is one of monochrom's collaborators at Arse Elektronika in San Francisco.

== Do Androids Sleep With Electric Sheep? Critical Perspectives on Sexuality and Pornography in Science and Social Fiction ==
Johannes Grenzfurthner will introduce you to the brand new Arse Elektronika Anthology "Do Andoids Sleep With Electric Sheep?" Taking up where the successful first part of the Arse Elektronika book series left off, this anthology stands under the motto "future" -- and the ways in which the present sees itself reflected in it. Maintaining a broadened perspective on technical development and technology while also putting special emphasis on its social implementation, this anthology focuses on Science and Social Fiction. The genre of the "fantastic" is especially well suited to the investigation of the touchy area of sexuality and pornography: actual and assumed developments are frequently depicted positively and approvingly, but just as often with dystopian admonishment. Here the classic, and continuingly valid, themes of modernism represent a clear link between the two aspects: questions of science, research and technologization are of interest, as is the complex surrounding urbanism, artificiality and control (or the loss of control). Depictions of the future, irregardless of the form they take, always address the present as well. Imaginations of the fantastic and the nightmarish give rise to a thematic overlapping of the exotic, the alienating and, of course, the pornographic/sexual as well.
Featuring essays and stories by Rudy Rucker, Richard Kadrey, James Tiptree, Jr., Allen Stein, Sharing is Sexy, Jason Brown, Cory Doctorow, Annalee Newitz, Tina Lorenz, Reesa Brown, Karin Harrasser, Isaac Leung, Rose White, Mela Mikes, Viviane, Susan Mernit, Chris Noessel, Kit O'Connell, Jens Ohlig, Bonni Rambatan, Thomas Roche, Bonnie Ruberg, Mae Saslaw, Violet Blue, Nathan Shedroff, 23N!, Benjamin Cowden, Johannes Grenzfurthner, Daniel Fabry. Edited by Johannes Grenzfurthner, Günther Friesinger, Daniel Fabry, Thomas Ballhausen. Published by RE/Search Publications (San Francisco) in cooperation with monochrom.

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Arse Elektronika 2010. September 30 thru October 3, 2010 in San Francisco, USA.
We may not forget that mankind is a sexual and tool-using species. And that's why our annual conference Arse Elektronika deals with sex, technology and the future. As bio-hacking, sexually enhanced bodies, genetic utopias and plethora of gender have long been the focus of literature, science fiction and, increasingly, pornography, this year will see us explore the possibilities that fictional and authentic bodies have to offer. Our world is already way more bizarre than our ancestors could have ever imagined. But it may not be bizarre enough. "Bizarre enough for what?" -- you might ask. Bizarre enough to subvert the heterosexist matrix that is underlying our world and that we should hack and overcome for some quite pressing reasons within the next century. Don't you think, replicants?